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Using Music to Help Anxious Dogs

Music for anxious dogs

Music has been used for centuries as a way to soothe and calm people. It turns out that it can also have the same effect on dogs, especially those who suffer from anxiety. Research has shown that music can help regulate the autonomic nervous system and reduce stress in dogs. In this blog post, we’ll explore the scientific benefits of music for anxious dogs, the types of music that work well, and how to use music to help your pet.

The Scientific Benefits of Music for Anxious Dogs


Research has shown that slow and calming music can help reduce the heart rate and blood pressure of dogs. A study conducted by Colorado State University found that dogs who listened to classical music had significantly lower heart rates compared to those who did not listen to music. This suggests that music can help dogs relax and reduce anxiety levels.


Another study published in the Journal of Veterinary Behavior found that music can act as a distraction for anxious dogs. The study found that dogs who listened to music during a veterinary exam were less anxious and vocal than those who did not listen to music. This suggests that music can provide a positive distraction for dogs, reducing their anxiety during stressful situations.

Positive Associations

Music can also create positive associations for dogs, as previously mentioned. A study published in the Journal of Veterinary Behavior found that dogs who listened to music during kennel confinement showed less vocalization and stress behaviors than those who did not listen to music. This suggests that music can help dogs associate a positive experience with a stressful situation, reducing their anxiety over time.

Types of Music That Work Well for Anxious Dogs

Classical Music

A ScienceDirect study on the behavioral effects of auditory stimulation on kenneled dogs found that certain types of music, such as classical, led to more relaxed and restful behaviors. The slow and calming rhythm of classical music can help regulate the dog’s breathing and heart rate, leading to a sense of relaxation. In contrast, heavy metal music might increase stress levels.

Reggae Music

A study conducted by the Scottish SPCA and the University of Glasgow found that dogs showed a preference for reggae and soft rock music. The dogs in the study appeared to be more relaxed when listening to reggae music than when exposed to other genres of music.

Soft Rock

The same study mentioned above found that dogs also showed a preference for soft rock music. Soft rock music has a similar rhythm and tempo to classical music, which can help regulate the dog’s breathing and heart rate.

Nature Sounds

Some dogs may find the sounds of nature, such as birds chirping or waves crashing, to be calming. There are many playlists available on streaming services that feature nature sounds mixed with calming music.

White Noise

Some dogs may benefit from listening to white noise, which can help drown out any external stimuli that may be causing anxiety. White noise can also help create a calming and consistent environment for your dog.

How to Use Music to Help Anxious Dogs

Choose the Right Music

When using music to help your anxious dog, it’s essential to choose the right type of music. Classical music, soft rock, and reggae are among the genres that have shown positive effects on reducing canine anxiety. The music should be calming, with a slow tempo and no sudden or loud noises. Monitor your dog’s behavior. If one type of music doesn’t seem to work, try another. There are many playlists available on streaming services that are specifically designed for anxious dogs.

Create a Calm Environment

To get the most benefit from music, it’s essential to create a calm environment for your dog. This means reducing any external stimuli, such as loud noises or bright lights. Try to create a peaceful atmosphere in the room where your dog will be listening to the music.

Volume Matters

Ensure the music is played at a moderate volume. Too loud might be counterproductive.

Use Music During Anxiety-Inducing Situations

To help your dog associate the music with relaxation, it’s important to use it during anxiety-inducing situations. For example, you can play calming music for your dog during thunderstorms or fireworks to help them feel more relaxed. You can also play music for your dog when you’re leaving the house to help them feel less anxious about being alone.

Use Music Consistently

Consistency is key when using music to help anxious dogs. Make sure to play calming music for your dog regularly, especially during times of stress or anxiety. This will help your dog associate the music with relaxation and create a positive association over time.


In conclusion, music can be a useful tool in helping anxious dogs relax and reduce their anxiety levels. Classical music, reggae music, soft rock, nature sounds, and white noise are all types of music that can work well for anxious dogs. When using music to help your dog, make sure to choose the right type of music, create a calm environment, use it during anxiety-inducing situations, and use it consistently. With the right approach, music can be a simple and effective way to help your anxious dog feel more calm and relaxed.

What sounds help calm your anxious dog? Share your comments below.

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